TracSystems Modules

Your TracSystems software is robust and full-featured, but we have created some useful add-on modules to provide additional features for more custom usability. Every module must be installed onto a TracSystem: AdvisorTrac, TutorTrac, or FitnessTrac. While the modules possess a full array of features, the TracSystems software provides the database, interface and environment required to utilize these additional features.

SAGE Early Alert

SAGE Early Alert is a robust platform that magnifies communication between student, faculty, and student support staff, creating pathways to retention and success for students in colleges and universities.

Q2 Tables

Q2 Tables dynamically manages study and work table tutoring and advising scenarios, tracking total time in the center and also recording each individual contact with a consultant.

Starfish Export

The Starfish Export module provides an extract of data from your Trac System that meets the specifications to import to your Starfish system.

Success Plan

The Success Plan module tracks students' progress in their Success Plans, which contain steps for students to complete. Each step represents a type of task, such as visiting a center, responding to a survey, uploading a document, and more. 


SurveyTrac integrates custom surveys to students and consultants directly with the Trac System.


TextAlerts allows your Trac System to communicate with your students and consultants via SMS notifications.


Whiteboard provides a virtual environment for students and consultants to work together in tutoring, writing, or advising scenarios.